Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

Addressing chronic pain at Lumina

In addition to our neurologists treating acute or short-term pain, we also offer a specialist chronic pain clinic with Dr Maggie Winters. This service is for pain that has been continuing for more than three months and impacting your child’s mental health, school attendance, physical function and other daily living activities. Referring doctors: If you’re unsure about whether a case is suitable, please use the form at the bottom of the page to request a call with Maggie.

About pain management

A child’s pain is deeply distressing and can affect the whole family. At Lumina, we take a multidisciplinary approach to assess the causes of pain, and to devise a patient-centred pain management plan.

Pain management in children requires a comprehensive approach based on the biopsychosocial model. Doctors work closely with families and other healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care for the child in pain. Here are some aspects to managing pain in children:

  • Thorough and careful assessment of the pain, including the synthesis of assessments from the referring doctor and other healthcare professionals
  • A multi-pronged and individualised treatment plan will be tailored to each child
  • Medications may be used to manage pain in children after careful consideration and under close supervision
  • Non-pharmacological treatment such as physical therapy and mind-based strategies (e.g. cognitive-behavioural therapy, hypnotherapy) will be important components of the management plan
  • Persistent pain management requires the consistent implementation of the plan by the child, family, school, and other health care professionals to achieve the best possible outcome. The child’s progress will be continually monitored
  • Clear and efficient communication between the doctor and the child’s referring doctor will ensue

For Referrers

Request a quick consult with Dr Winters

    Frequently Asked Questions

    To obtain the correct Medicare support for your visit, you will need a referral from your paediatrician or GP. We review referrals before booking an appointment and may refer you to a hospital if your child will need to be seen there. There may be tests or treatment that can only be obtained through the hospital.

    For more information, visit our New Patients page here.

    Doctors wishing to refer patients to Lumina can access more information about referrals here.

    Visits are by appointment only, and usually require a referral from your Paediatrician or GP. Referral letters from a GP last 12 months. If you are hoping to see a particular doctor, please be aware that you may be able to see a different doctor much sooner. We will let you know the options where we think we can provide an earlier visit.

    Initial visits are longer to allow for comprehensive review of your child’s history, your family and social background, and to undertake examination of your child’s health and wellbeing.

    If you are unable to make an appointment let us know as soon as possible. Please don’t expect a quick rebooking as the doctor’s calendar may be full, and other people may have been waiting for some time.

    If you cancel an appointment within 48 hours, we may invoice you for the missed visit if we’re unable to rebook someone into your appointment time.

    Please speak with our team before your visit to ensure you’re clear about the fees to be paid. Payment is expected at the time of your visit.

    Healthcare practitioners attending Lumina set their own fees. These reflect:

    • The training and professional experience required to attain their qualifications
    • The time required outside of appointments to assess, refer and complete paperwork relating to your case
    • The costs of retaining their professional qualifications, and costs associated with maintaining their clinical practice

    Initial visits are longer to allow for comprehensive review of your child’s history and current health and wellbeing, and to develop a treatment plan and share it with your GP or paediatrician. Medicare rebates are higher for these visits, but you may have a higher out-of-pocket cost for your initial visit.

    Your doctor will book a longer visit each year to allow time for a full review of your child’s health. This may also be required to support PBS reimbursement of some medications, and/or to reorder and review necessary testing.

    We will work to identify and obtain the appropriate Medicare rebate for each visit.

    You will need to pay the full fee at the time of your visit and we will process your Medicare rebate. You should receive the rebate back to your nominated bank account. If you do not receive your rebate, please contact Medicare.

    When your child turns 18 you may need to contact Medicare for your rebate and to update payment details.

    Your doctor will set your fee and specify how they prefer payment. Lumina’s payment terminal supports Visa and Mastercard. Credit card fees may differ between cards.

    We do not accept cash for security and sanitary reasons.

    Unfortunately, most health funds do not cover private specialist visits. Call your private health insurer before visiting to check.

    The government provides a website with more information about private health insurance:

    The Australian Medical Association also has a brochure on the gap between Medicare rebates and doctor’s fees:

    Please ask your referring doctor to forward any letters or test results that may assist with your first visit.

    Your doctor may wish to undertake an EEG (electroencephalogram) to understand your child’s brain activity. There are additional fees for this, but also Medicare rebates to help with the cost.

    Complex testing – such as genetic testing or MRI scans – may need to be referred to other clinics or laboratories and additional costs may apply. Please discuss this with your doctor.

    There is a pathology clinic and a pharmacy in the same building as Lumina, but you may prefer to visit facilities closer to home.

    Second opinions can play an important role in helping address your concerns about a diagnosis or course of treatment. We will always be happy to help you with seeking a second opinion.

    Please be aware that a second opinion at any private clinic will require a new consult and you may incur the higher costs associated with a long initial visit.

    As a mixed clinical practice, we will endeavour to provide you with quick access to other relevant specialties within Lumina. You have the right to seek referral to another clinic or practitioner for your needs.

    At present, Lumina does not participate in clinical trials. Doctors providing services at Lumina may be aware of clinical trials that you can access or trials that you can access elsewhere, but this is not a core part of the service that we provide.

    Medical practitioners providing services through Lumina are aware of and value the range of treatment methods that people can access to be well. It’s very important that you’re transparent with your doctor or healthcare provider about other treatments or practices to ensure the best treatment and outcomes for your child.

    For ad hoc forms or letters completed outside of your regular consults, fees will usually apply. These fees are set by the medical provider and will reflect the time required to complete and share the document, including reviewing your notes, any research needed, and conferring with other parties that may be required to complete the form or letter.

    In the first instance, please have an open and respectful conversation with your doctor or healthcare provider. They want the best for your child and may be balancing a range of needs and priorities to get the best outcome. They will prioritise the welfare of your child over other priorities.

    Where you disagree with a course of action, make sure you’ve had a full discussion with your doctor to understand their decisions. Please respect that the doctor will make their decisions based on their training, experience, and the regulations and requirements about accessing treatment.

    If you still feel you have not been heard, please ask your doctor about obtaining a second opinion, or to refer you to clinic management about your child’s care.

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